Filming • Editing • DVD/Blu-Ray Burning & Printing • VHS Conversion • Animation • Motion Graphics +more
I am a prolific YouTube content creator. Most of my videos are instructional videos related to media design - including Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate, HTML and CSS, Web Design, and more. In Fall of 2017 I finally cracked more than 1,000 subscribers and have been gaining 1-5 followers every week since. Below is my highest performing video (on the left) with amazing comments from my viewers. The video on the right is one of the fastest climbing videos on my channel. All of my videos are properly closed captioned.
Holiday GreetingsHoliday video greetings to inform people of Morgan Community College's accomplishments at the end of each year in a fun and memorable way. I helped plan, film, edit, and produce these videos from start to finish with a team of awesome individuals.
Software used:
Adobe PremierePro CC Adobe Audition CC Adobe AfterEffects CC Adobe Encore CC |
Auto Collision Grant VideoTim Grauberger, the Morgan Community College Auto Collision instructor, asked me to help him create a video for an IICAR Grant. The theme was around what his program needs in order to maintain its status as a top-notch program. Based on this video submission Tim won a $1,000 IICAR Grant. My work-study student Amy Bernabe and I filmed this, and then I supervised her editing and project management.
Software used:
Adobe PremierePro CC Adobe Audition CC |
Health Sciences SimulationMorgan Community College Health Sciences division stages a Simulation Day every year. This includes all of the different programs from Nursing to Radiology and EMT's. They simulate a multiple injury scenario where students have to act the part and diagnose and treat varying stages of trauma. In 2017 my work-study student Amy Bernabe and I filmed the one day simulation and created a commemorative video. It also serves as an introductory video for current students about to embark on the simulation day.
Software used:
Adobe PremierePro CC |
Create training videos for two different audiences - college students and college staff/faculty. We chose to create a motion graphic video that heavily relied on images and illustrations instead of worrying about filming and volunteers who were willing to be on film. I created both of these videos from start to finish - including researching Title IX (was given guidance from our Title IX Coordinators), script creation, asset creation and curation, narration and audio editing, and finally animation of graphics synced to sound.
Software used:
Adobe AfterEffects CC Adobe PremierePro CC Adobe Audition CC |
While teaching students AfterEffects, I decided since it was around Mother's Day that we should create a slideshow for our mothers to enjoy and share on social media. To give the students an example of one, I asked friends and family to send me photos of them with their children or their mother. It turned out really well and everyone was excited to see the final result.
Software used:
Adobe AfterEffects CC Adobe PremierePro CC Adobe Audition CC Adobe Photoshop CC |
Just for fun... |
I have been teaching my nieces and nephews how to film and edit video as well. Some of the videos we have created have been fun and silly and just for the joy of creation.